How does PC to phone implementation work
by Kirk Studebaker // President on Feb 12, 2020 11:00:49 AM
As your business grows and develops, you might find it necessary to upgrade your outdated telephony system and move onto a more streamlined digital PC to phone implementation system. PC to phone implementation works off of your internet connection as opposed to analog signals and is a …
The Difference Between a Managed IT Partner and Provider
by Kirk Studebaker // President on Feb 3, 2020 11:19:00 AM
As a business owner, you may be thinking of ways to improve your company’s IT structure. Perhaps your in-house IT team is overworked, or simply not equipped to deal with the constant issues that your business presents them with. Considering the many available options, IT solutions can …
What to do if your IT team is burned out from fixing printers
by Kirk Studebaker // President on Jan 28, 2020 12:00:00 PM
Common among many teams, employee burnout is never good news for a manager or business owner. While not easy to fix after it’s occurred, burnout can be easily prevented by careful management.
How your Small Business can Leverage Managed IT
by Kirk Studebaker // President on Oct 24, 2019 8:30:44 AM
Most businesses in the modern age rely heavily on technology and the internet. Fields of expertise vary, some professionals with a small or new business perhaps don’t have adequate knowledge of IT themselves, and are unable to manage every situation that may arise.