Coordinated Business Systems Blog

To Open or Not to Open an Email – Avoid Letting a Virus Into Your Office With This Phishing Email Decision Tree

Phishing attacks are becoming increasingly targeted as cybercriminals learn to use marketing principles to personalize their emails.

Unsuspecting people open these emails, click on links or open documents that seem legitimate, and open the door for a virus or ransomware to ransack their computer – or the office network.

I wrote recently about how to avoid the “Nigerian princes” of email phishing (you can read up on phishing and nine security tips here), but there's something even better about an image sometimes.

We aren't the only company in the IT space that talks about business security challenges with our clients. 

I found the infographic below from Wombat Security and wanted to share it. 

It's a good accessory to have on hand should you receive an email you just aren't 100% sure about.

Here's an image of “Practical Advice for Avoiding Phishing Emails.” Scroll down for a link to the original, where you can download a PDF copy if you'd like.

Practical advice for avoiding phishing scams

Head over to Wombat Security to download a copy for yourself. 

Don't forget to take a look at our infographic as well, The 7 Deadly Sins of SMB Cybersecurity by clicking here. You can also download a PDF copy for future reference.


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