Coordinated Business Systems Blog

Save Time & Money With Accounts Payable Automation

Since the inception of COVID-19, remote and hybrid work environments have quickly become the new normal throughout the business world. Companies are adapting to newly created processes and innovations every single day, which has forced many organizations to turn their standard paper-driven manual processes into effective digital solutions. 

According to Forbes, a recent Upwork survey noted that 1 in 4 will be working remotely in 2021. That's over 26% of the U.S. workforce, which is a monumental shift from previous years. Here are some of the top trends that are already starting to take effect within the business industry: 

1.  Increased use of hybrid work models

2. Reduction of conference calls

3. Greater use of cloud-based HR technology 

4. More secure cybersecurity methods

5. Flexible work times 


It is clearly evident that automation of business processes is also on the rise. We are excited to introduce a new effortless, cost-effective solution called MediusGo. This product is an Accounts Payable Invoice Automation cloud tool specifically targeted towards small to medium-sized organizations. Put it simply: this tool automates your accounts payable (AP) process entirely. With MediusGo, your entire invoice process will be digitized and automated. It's simple to use, easy to get started and includes fixed monthly pricing.

Interested in learning more? Download your own copy of our AP Automation Guide today! You will learn the following: 

  • 5 simple tips to automate invoice workflow 
  • How to successfully automate up to 80% of your supplier invoices
  • Getting started with the accounts payable process

If you have additional questions for our team, please contact us today and one of our representatives will be in touch! 

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