Coordinated Business Systems Blog

Proactive Copier Repair Means You’re Always Able to Work

“I love it when my copier breaks,” said NO ONE ever! 

That’s because when your copier breaks, it’s not only annoying, but a waste of time waiting for it to get back up and running. Valuable time that you don’t have because you and your employees are trying to run a business.

Sound like you? If so, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Copier Repair CAN Be Proactive

These days, “proactive” is a pretty popular buzzword in our industry when it comes to network support and managed print programs. A lot of people don’t even realize that copiers can be proactively serviced to actually prevent them from going down in the first place.

From a copier maintenance standpoint, proactive support is a combination of two things:

1) Real time metrics provided by your device through your network to ours (don't worry, it's secure)

2) A physical human being (your copier technician) who is actively looking for potential failures on your hardware each time they are in your office

Real Time Metrics

The first component is more virtual in that your machine can be configured to report metrics that initiate standard maintenance procedures by our team. Things like toner supply, usage volumes, and reoccurring service codes. Toner low? Your machine can actually notify us when it’s time to reorder so you don’t have to.

A Real Live Person

Another great feature is that when our technicians come out, their number one goal is to not only fix your problem, and fix it right, but anticipate future problems so they aren’t coming back in a week when another part fails.

This kind proactive maintenance is one of our industry’s dirty little secrets. Many copier companies might take note of a future service issue creeping up, and they might even go as far as ordering the part to have on hand for the next time you call. They only do that so they can come back out after it becomes a problem which means you’re down again. 

The Coordinated Way

That’s just not how we do things. At Coordinated, the success of our technicians is measured on how long they can go without having a repeat call on a customer. That means if they see something that could potentially be a problem, they fix it on the spot, saving your office from the down time when it finally fails. 

And, just like our techs are watching your copier, our management team is watching our techs with our “3 in 30 Report.” Each week, our service managers meet to identify any account that has had more than 3 service calls in 30 days. When an account makes the report, resolving the issue and getting them off the list is top priority.  

While we love our customers, we really don’t want to see them from a service standpoint. It’s a false truth when an organization says they love their copier technician because they are there all the time. As great as we think our technicians are, we’d rather you not see them that often.

We think your time is valuable. Don’t you?

Learn more about our award-winning service procedures today.

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