Coordinated Business Systems Blog

Phishing Emails and Your Security: Research Details the Continued Risk

Phishing, as funny as it sounds, is no laughing matter - it's still a major threat to your SMB.

“Phishing” lends itself to tongue-in-cheek humor and images, but it’s no laughing matter. Cybercriminals continue to use phishing attacks to trick people into opening emails and/or clicking on links and files that allow malware (like ransomware) to breach your network security. Phishi …

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6 Steps to Automate Your Business Processes

Are your SMB's processes still primarily manual? Use these 6 steps to automate workflows and overhaul business processes - and maximize productivity!

I’ve been sharing the value of document management and moving from paper-based offices to digital documents and workflows for over a year now. The ability to immediately find information is tremendously valuable by itself, and remains the foundational value of document management. How …

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End-to-End: Your Network Is Locked Up Tight, What About Your Printers and Other Endpoints?

Excellent network security isn't enough to keep your SMB from being hacked - when was the last time you secured your printers?

Information security is an issue that’s not ever going away. Methods of protection and attack will change over the years, but there will be cybercriminals attempting to steal data when we all finally get our flying cars in the future. Most companies and leaders have at least heard abo …

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5 Ways to Leave Your Sensitive Documents Open to a Data Breach

Is your copier security up to snuff? Make sure you've got these 5 things covered to ensure the best document security for you SMB.

You’ve all heard the song, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, right? Slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan. Hop on the bus, Gus. Just drop off the key, Lee. Now that I’ve planted that ear-worm inside your head, what’s a Paul Simon song have to do with document security?

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Excuses We Hear About Failing to Plan for Business Continuity

Business continuity and disaster recovery aren't things you should be making excuses for if you want your SMB to stay running for a long, long time.

I originally had “disaster recovery” instead of “business continuity” in the title of this post. Then I remembered that while disaster recovery is important, it's almost like white noise to many SMB leaders. It's easy to think “The chances of a disaster affecting my business are minim …

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The 3 Best Reasons SMBs Should Adopt Proactive Network Management

There's tons of reasons your SMB should adopt proactive network monitoring - read on to learn the 3 best reasons to partner with a Managed Networks expert.

The Internet allows SMBs to compete directly with businesses of any size - often successfully. Technology means you can use social media to market your business, eCommerce allows you to sell nationally -- and globally, communicate in seconds with email and online messaging and chat to …

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19 Essential Questions to Ask About Your Document Management Solution BEFORE You Buy It

You should be asking yourself (and your staff) these 19 questions BEFORE buying a document management solution for your SMB.

Paper documents slow down your workflows, hinder excellent customer service, and cost time and money for retrieval and storage (file cabinets are big!). Take a look around your office. I’m going to guess it’s not all clean desks and sleek efficiency. There’s probably a fair bit of pap …

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Are You Confused About Managed IT Services?

Technical jargon (or geek speak, as I like to call it) can be confusing...why are there so many ways to talk about managed services that relate to information technology?!

IT professionals have one thing in common – a tendency to speak in geek-speak. Using technical language, acronyms, and inside lingo speeds communication when IT pros are trying to solve a problem. When that jargon bleeds over into talking to business professions, confusion is the usua …

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Printing Habits That Will Save You Money

Ask yourself these 5 questions about your company's printing habits and learn how to save your SMB money.

The third largest expense for most offices is printing and copying documents (behind staffing and office space). Much like how a positive view of information technology can be an indication of a successful business (read more here); companies that understand their print processes and …

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