Coordinated Business Systems Blog

Will Your IT Project Fail? Not If You Avoid These 6 Common Planning Mistakes

Cut once, measure twice: avoid these 6 major IT project planning mistakes.

Everything that I’m going to write about in this post SHOULD be obvious. In my experience as an information professional and now salesperson, many businesses are oblivious to how obvious this should be. Let’s start with this: Throwing technology at a business problem will not solve th …

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What Should You Do When Victimized by Ransomware?

Getting attacked isn't something to be embarrassed about - but it is something you should try to protect your SMB from.

Attacked by ransomware? Don’t be embarrassed In my career in information technology, I’ve spoken to quite a few businesses that had been successfully attacked by ransomware and had been too embarrassed to contact the authorities. Don’t be. As cybercriminals become more sophisticated i …

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4 Tips to Finding a Managed IT Partner That Understands You

Find a Managed Network Services (MNS) partner that works with you by following these 4 tips.

We all know how frustrating it is to be in a “conversation” where each person is talking AT the other instead of WITH the other. These “conversations” aren’t a true exchange of information. In your personal life, this is annoying. When it comes to helping your business, a partner that …

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Cybersecurity Threats Are Here to Stay -- Don’t Ignore These 5 Challenges in 2019

The worst cybersecurity blunder you can make is sticking your head in the sand and ignoring possible security problems.

It’s no secret that we believe in educating our customers about the challenges and issues around securing their networks and information. Research and common sense -- how many of you have received a “friend request” from a hacked Facebook friend recently? -- reveal that cyber criminal …

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In-House Production Print—Take Control and Do It!

Have you ever thought about bringing your production print in house but been unsure if it's a good idea. It is - check out these 4 reasons you should stop outsourcing large scale print jobs.

Ever felt unsure about something? Like about bringing all of the printing that you outsource “in-house” and doing it yourself? It’s time to just do it. No, really DO IT! It will require a little more work on your end when it comes to the actual prepress process, but not much more than …

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The Cloud Isn’t an Automatic Answer to Your IT Challenges - A Quick Explanation of What the Cloud Is and Isn’t

The cloud isn't what you think it is - it's just a computer located somewhere else.

You can’t escape mentions of “the cloud” as the solution to nearly any business challenge. Need more storage? The cloud. Need to better manage your network? The cloud. Need a business app to manage your documents? The cloud. Need a marketing and/or website platform? The cloud. Need he …

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Are You Managing Your IT or Is Your IT Managing You?

Check out these three reasons to get control of your IT - and how MNS can help.

According to Gartner, an unmanaged PC costs $5,000 a year. That’s a lot of dough if you are a small business even with just a few workstations. While computer hardware itself has gotten less expensive, the real expense is the cost to fix your network when something goes wrong. That’s …

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Recovering From Network Downtime -- RPO and RTO, Two Acronyms to Know

You already know two important keys to recovering from network downtime - RPO and RTO.

At some point, nearly every business will experience a network interruption. Whether caused by a natural disaster, hacker, or human error without a plan already in place, recovery will take longer than it should. Do you know what to do if the systems you run your business on suddenly …

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Five Things Your “Really Great IT Guy” Can’t Give You

There are some things your 'great' IT guy can't give you. These 5 things are at the top of the list.

When it comes to small business IT, many lean on family, or referrals from friends for a really great “IT guy.” If you’re using a break-fix IT strategy for your business, or relying on your uncle's wife's cousin, to keep your computers running, you’re traveling down a risky road and i …

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