Coordinated Business Systems Blog

Checklist: Strengthening Cybersecurity

In 2025, cybersecurity isn't just an option—it's a necessity. From phishing scams to ransomware attacks, organizations face treats daily. How do you ensure your organization is prepared? That’s where our Security Best Practices Checklist comes in—a resource designed to help businesses bolster their defenses against ever-evolving cyber risks.

Why This Checklist is Essential for Your Organization

  1. Actionable Steps for Account Security: Are your password policies strong enough? This checklist provides practical advice like using passphrases, enforcing multi-factor authentication (2FA), and implementing suspicious login alerts to reduce vulnerabilities.

  2. Enhanced Endpoint Security: With remote work becoming the norm, securing endpoints is more crucial than ever. From enforcing VPN usage to removing admin rights for standard users, these steps help protect your devices and data.

  3. Email Protection You Can Trust: Email remains a primary attack vector for hackers. The checklist suggests critical measures, including tagging external emails, imposing delivery restrictions on distribution lists, and setting up email archiving solutions.

  4. Building a Human Firewall: Employees are your first line of defense. Through live phishing exercises, security training, and rewarding proactive reporting, you can transform your team into vigilant cybersecurity advocates.

  5. Triple Guard Security for Comprehensive Coverage: Protect your communication channels—calls, voicemails, texts, and video meetings—with solutions like Triple Guard Security, integrated into unified communications platforms.

Practical Tips to Start Today

  • Replace weak passwords with memorable but secure passphrases. For example: "Sunset_Beach_2025!"
  • Schedule a review of all security settings to ensure ongoing vigilance.
  • Invest in Mobile Device Management (MDM) to protect your team’s mobile devices.

Don’t Leave Your Business Vulnerable

The Security Best Practices Checklist isn’t just a list of suggestions—it’s a roadmap to safeguarding your business against cyber threats. Whether you're enhancing account security, securing remote devices, or training employees, this guide has you covered.

👉 Ready to take the first step?  Download the Checklist or contact us today for more details.

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