Coordinated Business Systems Blog

5 Signs You Need Document Management.

Every business in America manages documents. Whether that be a bank of file cabinets organized by year, month, and customer, or if it is a stack of paper on your desk that you dig through when you need to find something. This is managing documents.

The most common conversation we have is around how to effectively manage these documents, which boils down to making things easy to find.


Here are five telltale signs that it may be time for a document management system


When a customer calls for information, you have to call them back once it is located.

Have you had that customer call come in asking for a piece of information, clarification on a contract term, a copy of their agreement……. You name it, they need it. Customer service is the number one reason businesses purchase a basic document management system. You can also scan, capture, archive, and retrieve documents with the right system. When this is in place you can simply type a keyword into a field and up pops the information for you to email while on the phone!  If this sounds like you…….Check this out! 


Your salespeople are keeping their own files of orders and customer information, and it is rarely correct.

This is similar to the above issue but with a different symptom. Salespeople are often lacking in organizational skills and it is in your best interest to rely upon them to file their paperwork properly. Especially if decisions will be made when it is referred back to.


You have lost control of incoming inventory and what has been received.

Automating your process to include the scanning or capturing of PO’s and packing slips serve many purposes; one of which is knowing what you are waiting for. A workflow process that allows you to track things as they are ordered, received, and even invoiced. A three-way match (PO, Packing slip, and invoice) helps track what is coming in while making sure it is fully revived and paid for quickly realizing cash discounts! Want to learn more? Watch this!  


You spend a considerable portion of your workweek looking for information.

Crazy stat time!  According to Google, executives spend 30% of their time looking for information. Go ahead and google it, it’s right there at the top of the page. 


You got sued and lost because you couldn’t produce the proper documentation.

Most of the time these suits are based on termination of employment. How many documents are involved in the hiring and firing process? I believe there are a ton. If you have ever been overwhelmed with the requests for documentation and just thrown in the towel…..take a look at this!  

Everyone loses things.  The most commonly lost item is car keys. Second?  Documents.  If any of the items rang true for you or even made you wonder if they do,  give us a call, we can help.  If you aren’t sure whether you are ready for that or not, click here and you will get a quick preview of what will happen when you do contact us.  It won’t hurt a bit!  (Link here to what to expect when you meet with Coordinated)

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